Nutritional Therapy & Naturopathy
Cora Weekes
"One's food is completely determined by their thoughts and feelings:
whatever one's thoughts and feelings are, such would be one's food.
If you cannot change your food, you cannot change your life either."
Peter Deunov
Whether you have a specific illness, an acute or chronic condition, whether you are stressed and anxious, or just feel generally low and without energy – nutritional therapy and naturopathy may help you improve both your health and your enjoyment of life.
Naturopathic nutritional therapy goes beyond the basics of healthy eating, and focuses on finding and addressing the root causes of individual imbalances and encouraging body's natural ability of healing. It is based on the principles of naturopathy and functional medicine, combining knowledge of up to date medical science, with the wisdom and tradition of natural medicine.
Each person is seen as unique, and their diet, lifestyle, circumstances and personality are reviewed and taken into consideration for creating a personalised action plan, rather than a “one size fits all” approach.
As a qualified naturopath, I may include in my consultations and plans naturopathic tools and recommendations such as hydrotherapy, herbals, stress management techniques (I am HeartMath certified and use specific techniques and HRV - heart rate variability monitoring), homeopathy (first aid), Bach flower remedies etc. to support your body's own self-regulation and healing abilities.
Naturopathic Principles
1. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)
2. First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
3. Find the Cause (Tolle Causam)
4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
-Educate and coach the patient
-Emphasis on self-responsibility
5. Treat the Whole Person
6. Preventive Medicine (Education, Self-responsibility)
7. Establish Wellness (maintain optimum health)